Don't Be Too Quick To Leave
Why leaving too early could cause us to regret it later.

Over time many have gotten tired of their relationships and feel like backing out. They can't tolerate things any longer and begin to feel unwanted in the relationship and then begin to think of leaving because they feel ' there is no sense of belonging”, or they will say ‘I am tired, I can no longer tolerate this any longer '.
This happens in many relationships — be it marriage, courtship, or friendship. Don’t be too quick to leave so you won’t have to regret leaving later. Don’t make quick and rash decisions for yourself. This leads to so many thoughts running through your mind;
1. The thoughts of when you started and how long the relationship or marriage has been and then begin to wonder if leaving is too sudden or late. You begin to wonder if it’s time to end things.
2. You begin to ponder on how to know if you are ending things so quickly or are giving up too soon.
3. You may not know for sure if you are ending the Relationship prematurely; maybe you feel there should be signs that you are ending the relationship prematurely.
Ending a relationship has never been one easy thing to do, especially when you are not confident that it is the right thing to do. You become confused and lost. Relationships usually end on the wrong ground, wrong reason, and prematurely. There are things you can consider before you start thinking of leaving, things like
- Do you have good chemistry together?
- Do you communicate well enough?
- Do they make you a top priority in their daily lives?
Before leaving a relationship, be sure to have good and solid reasons to quit. Aside from regretting your actions, there is every tendency that if you were at fault, or you never had the chance to correct, whatever happens, you could also take that to the next relationship, which will be disastrous. There is nothing like a “perfect relationship”, for nobody is without mistakes. Some things happen in a relationship(marriage, friendship, courtship) you feel you want to back out. Before quitting, you need to watch it, sit back, and have a rethink. You need to think through the followings;
Arguments And Struggles
You will agree with me that arguments usually happen in a relationship, and this makes you struggle to manage them. It doesn’t necessarily mean ‘quit’. When arguing with a partner, it hurts because both will try to prove a point which leads to further heated arguments and ends in disaster, probably you need to grow up on some things, learn to manage or control your anger and give room for good dialogue. I will be talking about this a lot; just keep following.
Feelings Can Give Insight
How you feel in your relationship matters, you can’t be sad and exhausted in a relationship. As much as it matters, it doesn’t simply mean you quit. Take your time to get your feelings right and watch out for how the other feels also. Feelings do change according to your lifestyle in a relationship. Read on (love languages).
How Will Your Life Be Without Your Partner
Ask yourself, how is life without them? If you find joy in being alone, then that’s it. But if you don’t find yourself happy without them, then you need to take a break and get to work things out. Sometimes life becomes a bore without them, Other times, it feels peaceful. You need to think about this carefully to know which is more in the relationship.
Hard Times
Many relationships go through this phase. Everything can’t just be rosy all through. Hard times don’t mean you should quit. Relationships are tested by circumstances in life events like job loss, life life-threatening diseases, or disabilities. This helps you to understand life and also tests your commitment to your relationship. Overcoming all these obstacles keeps the relationship stronger. Not all partners can go through so many bad or hard times with you. Understand this very well.
Conflict Avoidant
Are you the type that avoids conflict and finds it hard to address them properly? Good communication will create room for better explanations and a better understanding of what happened, Instead of concluding things based on limited experience. You might not want to end things before having conversations with your partner. You should get your facts right before keeping unhealthy conflicts that will destroy you and your relationship.
Is The Issue A Deal Breaker Or Something You Can Move Forward With
So many relationships don’t air out what they need. You can’t just wait and expect your partner to know all you need. In the end, accusations are being laid on their partner that they are refusing to get what they need and keep blaming wrongly. Some people need you to ask before giving while others give without you asking.
With all this, you might still be wondering how or when to call it a quit. To be sure of what you are doing, you might want to discuss this with someone;
Talk to friends
They might help you figure out what is in your best interest. Be sure to keep good and reliable friends who can help you out on this.
Talk to a family member.
You might have a relative who you trust so much and who could help you to figure it out. They can protect your best interest and also help you define what's best for you.
In the end, you’ll agree with me that leaving a relationship is never easy, especially when you feel so awkward about it. Deciding to leave on your own is not ideal for me; you both should sit and have a proper talk about quitting– this could help settle some things. Stop suffering in silence in a relationship all because your partner is not ready to listen.
Remember, no relationship is perfect. Ask yourself, are you perfect? How do you deal with the imperfect you? How do you condone people hurting you?
You can’t tell your body to leave your soul impossible; the same way you learn to cope with yours, you could also work it out with your partner.
Am I even making sense on this one?…don’t be too quick to leave. Please share your experience with me. We grow and learn together.